This single-family home is located at 10 Leone Ter, Butler, NJ. 10 Leone Ter is in Butler, NJ and in ZIP code 07405. This property has approximately 2,568 sqft of floor space. This property has a lot size of 2.26 acres and was built in 1974.
Home value report for 1 Leone Ter, Kinnelon, NJ 07405. View on as well as property record details, price history, local schools and refinance offers.
Taxes are $19,137 annually. This property was built in 2015 and is owned by LEIDIG, DARIA & SEAN who lives at 1 LEONE TER. 10 Leone Ter , Kinnelon, NJ 07405-2521 is currently not for sale. The 2,568 sq. ft. single-family home is a bed, bath property. This home was built in 1974 and last sold on for.
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Based on Redfin's Kinnelon data, we estimate the home's value is $877,292. 1 LEONE TER is Block 45205, Lot 163 in Kinnelon, NJ. 1 LEONE TER is a Residential (4 Families or less) property with 3550 sq/ft of space. Taxes are $19,137 annually. Leone Ter, Kinnelon NJ address records On 3-17 Leone Ter, Kinnelon NJ we have 14 property listings for the 102 residents and businesses. The average home sale price on Leone Ter has been $553k. 10 Leone Ter , Kinnelon, NJ 07405-2521 is currently not for sale.
1 Leone Terrace , Kinnelon, NJ 07405 is currently not for sale. The 3140 sq. ft. single-family home is a 4 bed, 3.0 bath property. This home was built in and last
Esta página muestra las horas de salida y puesta del sol en 10 Leone Terrace, Kinnelon, NJ, EE. UU., incluyendo hermoso amanecer o fotos del atardecer, hora local actual, la zona horaria, longitud, latitud y el mapa en vivo. This directory have users from Bloomingdale, Butler, Fayson Lakes, Kinnelon, Riverdale, Smoke Rise (New Jersey) Use the area codes: 201, 518, 800, 845, 862, 877, 888, 908, 973.
New Jersey; Kinnelon Boro; 45601; 113; 16 LEDGEWOOD TRL is Block 45601, Lot 113 in Kinnelon Boro, Morris County. Owner Information. D'AMICO, EDWARD & KAREN M 16
Wm chef h 5 Boutineau Marie L hdkfmkr r 150 Terrace av. M Maxime cook 25 maj 2017 — Army; Ricker J u n ior College Tronsfer; Deon's List l 2; Glee C l ub 1, 2. 1 95 1 Francis Burnham Richard Barta John Butler Ernest Fortin BERi-JS, R I CHARD H. 33 Vassar Aven ue, Newark, N. J. BERSAN I Vernon 1 24 Beckwith Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. fHUGHES, JOHN NOWLES, LEONE A. Carriage Hill 2098 Butler Pike Plymouth Mtng Pa 19462-0000Aquila System Inc Po StLansdale Pa 19446-2361Barrett Elisabeth H 10 Terrace Rd Norristown Pa Valley Stream Apts Lansdale Pa 19446-1032DD J Leone Deed Of Trust One Services 1 W Elm St Conshohocken Pa 19428-2007Mercy Health Plan Of Nj GYlllnHsilllll teach '1', Agn.·s Rogan; Sloyd teacher, Lillian Ig1<"s. Terrace 1st north B. & O. S. W. R. R. from Main ave. west. Globe ave.
2009 Halmstads BK 8/1 (Loan from RCD Espanyol) East End Lions F.C. (Sierra Leone First Division 2003) / IFK Mariehamn ( Global Politics and Culture (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010) 2– 3 South African Stephen Armstrong played college soccer at Butler University before menace on the terraces.
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The 3,496 sq. ft.
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At 11 Leone Ter, Kinnelon, New Jersey based a large one-story possession. It is situated down the street. Built in 1977, this property has 3,496 square feet of living area and sits on near one and a half acres. According to our records this home includes the names of 3 recent residents.
The ZIP code for this address is 07405 and the postal code suffix is 2521. Latitude and longitude for the address: Home > 1 Brook Valley Terr, Kinnelon, NJ 07405. Address: 1 Brook Valley Terrace, Kinnelon, NJ 07405, USA ; Asking Price: $4,888,000 ; Bedrooms: 6 ; These marketing techniques continuously rank Joshua in the Top 1% of Licensed New Jersey Real Estate Agents and he … 16 Leone Terrace.